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Saturday, July 28, 2012

TDC Plus 2012 - Review

I was there! And now I'll tell you everything!!!

That's me!
Folder, nametag, pen, voucher, invitation, receipt,
notebook, magazine, program... They gave us everything!
(ex) Teacher Ivo - aka my fiancé - was there too!
But he wasn't very interested... Lol! =p
Crowded, as usual...
Chris Morris - Making Blended Learning Work in the Real World
-Blended learning = face to face + technology
-Normally teachers are digital immigrants while students are digital natives
-What's in technology for me? Empowerment, not  replacement!
-Learning management: Content, timing, sequence, pace, interaction correction, praises - only the teacher has it!
-Without management (groupwork): Confusion, time wasted, students cannot analyse tasks into separate responsabilities and decide who takes each role
-Homework (by students): Poorly planned, often rushed, often unchecked, motivated by nagging parents
-Enriched learning: helps to motivate and engage students in the enviroment where they study best (technology): online tool from the coursebook
-95.1% of the students found online tools satisfactory; 77% of the students found the coursebook OK
-Students are eager to do homework and extra exercises when they get the results immediately
-75% of the students don't do online tools because teachers don't know/control/see/check it, so the online tool has to have a teacher's area
Flexible solutions: Meet the needs of your teaching situation

Jeremy Harmer - Why CLIL challenges us all – or does it?
-Students need to be able to talk about the content using no matter what words
-4 Cs of CLIL: Content, communication, cognition (thinking) and culture
-CLIL is, for example, teaching Music and English together
-You teach the content and the language at the same time
-Core CLIL activators: Reflecting on practice, cooperating for programme consolidation, talking through planned learning and progress with students

Books Over Coffee
Books Over Coffee
Books Over Coffee
Books Over Coffee
I met Alice and Tati there!
English Around presentation
Longman Dicionário Escolar presentation
My English Lab presentation
Penguin Kids presentation
My freebies: English Around's scarf, Longman Dicionário
Escolar's ball, My English Lab's notebook, Penguin Kids'
pencilcase and ILearn's shining star necklace!

(I forgot my certificate at my fiancé's, I'll put the pic later! =x)

I can't wait for 2013!!!

P.S.: Henrique, I didn't see you there, sorry! =x Hope we can meet later! =) 


  1. Adorei o super resumo que vc fez!
    Me diverti com o Jeremy e o Chris haha
    Mandou bem nas fotos tb! :D

    1. Tatiiiii... =D
      Obrigada! ^^
      Sim, ambos são muito engraçados... Mandei um twitter pro Jeremy sobre CLIL, vamos ver se ele responde, haha! =p
      E temos que nos encontrar mais, girl!!!
      Vais ao Riverdance...? Rs...

  2. Oi Mo!

    E não é que eu não estava interessado, eu só tinha focado meu interesse em outro assunto (mais especificamente, na guerra dos 5 reis, que agora não são mais 5 :x )

    1. Hahaha... =p Pelo menos era em inglês, né... ^^
      =*****, s2!!!
