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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

RAFFLE - Pearson Education Kit

I simply loooove stationary, don't you? Normally teachers do, lol! So, specially for you, to celebrate we are coming back to school, a very special raffle: A Pearson Education Kit!!! This kit was only available for the ones who attended TDC Plus and now you have the chance of getting one for you!

-Pearson folder
-Always Learning booklet
-Pearson notebook
-Penguin Kids' pencilcase
-ILearn's shining star necklace
-Pearson pen
To take part in the raffle, you should like the Facebook Fan Page. I'll put all the names in alphabetical order, giving each one a number and the raffle will be done through the site next Tuesday (August 7th at 11:59 PM). As soon as the raffle is done, the winner's name will be published here, on Twitter and on Facebook. The winner HAS TO answer the post until August 8th (11:59 PM) with his/her shipping information. If the winner doesn't answer the post, a new raffle will be done.


And the winner is...


Amanda Rebello, congratulations!!! Don't forget, you HAVE TO answer the post until August 8th (11:59 PM) with your shipping information otherwise a new raffle will be done.

Project - Amusement Park

The goal of this project was teaching useful vocabulary / expressions for an Amusement Park visit abroad. The project was divided into two different classes:

Class 1: Introduction / Preparation
Inside the classroom, the students were taught the new vocabulary / expressions through flashcards and worksheets.

Flashcards: Pictures taken from the internet, colored using
color pencil and laminated using Contact paper

Some of the activities used on the preparation class

Class 2: Visit
Now the students go to the amusement park, a classroom where they will see and take part into the different attractions/situations of the park, practicing the new vocabulary / expressions. 
Ticket booth: Students had to give their tickets and
get a stamp on their hands to get in the park.
Roller coaster: Sitting in two rows, students watched
a movie with an amusement park safety announcement
made in a text to speech website and a POV roller
coaster animation found on the internet. They followed
all the movements of the rolleroaster putting their
hands up, to the left and to the right (screaming, of
course). The soundtrack was Back to the Future Theme.
Haunted Mansion: Students had to put their hands in
the Monster Box (a box full of Silly Putty) and then
get in a tunnel made of easels, spunlaid nonwovens
and lots of scary props. The soundtrack was Grim
Grinning Ghosts.
Snack Bar and Gift Shop: Students had to ask the
prices and buy souvenirs or food.
Water Ride: Sitting in two rows on a piece of spunlaid
nonwoven, students had to put their hands on the
shouders of another student, go to the left, to the right,
put their hands up and scream. Once these moves
were learnt, they put on blind folds, did the same moves
and at a point of the "ride", the teacher sprayed water
on them. The soundtrack was Indiana Jones Theme.
As a souvenir of this activity, students
took home the Park Map, made with the
same pictures of the flashcards / activities.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Simulação de parque de diversões estimula comunicação em inglês

22/06/12 17:00 - Última atualização: 20/07/12 13:08

Para entrar no parque, carimbo na mão

Com o intuito de proporcionar novas experiências utilizando a língua inglesa, a equipe do Ensino Bilíngue elaborou uma nova simulação de ambiente para os alunos do 1º ao 5º ano do Ensino Fundamental uma nova experiência. Desta vez, um parque de diversões (Amusement Park) foi montado de forma a estimular os liceístas a praticarem o inglês enquanto se divertiam na montanha russa (Rollercoaster), no Castelo do Terror (Haunted Mansion), roda gigante (Ferris Wheel) e no Water Ride (Splash). Sem esquecer da lojinha de presentes (Gift Shop), da lanchonete (Snack Bar) e da bilheteria (Ticket Booth).

Semanas antes da data para cada turma participar do projeto, vocabulários específicos foram trabalhados em sala de aula, de modo a dotá-los de conhecimentos para aproveitar ao máximo a atividade. Segundo uma das professora do Bilíngue, Aryane Sartori, a preparação prévia para a participação nos "brinquedos" foi importante para que os alunos entrassem no clima e transcendessem a vivência.

"Na montanha russa, por exemplo, eles tinham de acompanhar o trajeto do carrinho para a direita, para a esquerda e nas descidas por meio de comandos de voz. Além disso, todo o procedimento para brincar dependia da comunicação em inglês, da compra do bilhete à entrada das atrações, da ida ao banheiro às compras de doces e pizza na lanchonete", explica ela.

Fonte: Clique aqui
Galeria de fotos: Clique aqui

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Where's Waldo...?

With my co-workers... Can you find me? ( click on the pic to see it bigger! )

Fonte: Clique aqui

Saturday, July 28, 2012

TDC Plus 2012 - Review

I was there! And now I'll tell you everything!!!

That's me!
Folder, nametag, pen, voucher, invitation, receipt,
notebook, magazine, program... They gave us everything!
(ex) Teacher Ivo - aka my fiancé - was there too!
But he wasn't very interested... Lol! =p
Crowded, as usual...
Chris Morris - Making Blended Learning Work in the Real World
-Blended learning = face to face + technology
-Normally teachers are digital immigrants while students are digital natives
-What's in technology for me? Empowerment, not  replacement!
-Learning management: Content, timing, sequence, pace, interaction correction, praises - only the teacher has it!
-Without management (groupwork): Confusion, time wasted, students cannot analyse tasks into separate responsabilities and decide who takes each role
-Homework (by students): Poorly planned, often rushed, often unchecked, motivated by nagging parents
-Enriched learning: helps to motivate and engage students in the enviroment where they study best (technology): online tool from the coursebook
-95.1% of the students found online tools satisfactory; 77% of the students found the coursebook OK
-Students are eager to do homework and extra exercises when they get the results immediately
-75% of the students don't do online tools because teachers don't know/control/see/check it, so the online tool has to have a teacher's area
Flexible solutions: Meet the needs of your teaching situation

Jeremy Harmer - Why CLIL challenges us all – or does it?
-Students need to be able to talk about the content using no matter what words
-4 Cs of CLIL: Content, communication, cognition (thinking) and culture
-CLIL is, for example, teaching Music and English together
-You teach the content and the language at the same time
-Core CLIL activators: Reflecting on practice, cooperating for programme consolidation, talking through planned learning and progress with students

Books Over Coffee
Books Over Coffee
Books Over Coffee
Books Over Coffee
I met Alice and Tati there!
English Around presentation
Longman Dicionário Escolar presentation
My English Lab presentation
Penguin Kids presentation
My freebies: English Around's scarf, Longman Dicionário
Escolar's ball, My English Lab's notebook, Penguin Kids'
pencilcase and ILearn's shining star necklace!

(I forgot my certificate at my fiancé's, I'll put the pic later! =x)

I can't wait for 2013!!!

P.S.: Henrique, I didn't see you there, sorry! =x Hope we can meet later! =) 

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Mes English


Resources designed to be versatile and useful in many K-6 classrooms: Flashcards, worksheets and handouts to match, phonics cards, ESL games, an international project exchange library, printable certificates, printable stickers and activities all ready for printing. I loooooooooove this site, I use it all the time!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Project - Spelling Bee

A spelling bee is a competition where contestants, usually children, are asked to spell words. The concept is thought to have originated in the United States, and spelling bee events are now held in many countries around the world.

Serious spelling bee competitors in the United States will study affixes and etymologies, and often foreign languages from which English draws, in order to spell challenging words. Several preparatory materials have been published, including some in connection with the Scripps National Spelling Bee and those created by independent organizations not related to Scripps. Spelling bee participants in the United States also use other reference books, notably the Hexco Academics series of spelling books, which feature strategies, methods and lists to further develop spelling skills. Tutoring materials are also becoming available on the web.

Spelling bee students usually start competition in elementary or middle schools. Classes compete against other classes in the same grade, or level, and the winning class is determined by the score of each class. Then, the school spelling bee happens and the winner goes to the school district bee, then county, then regional. After the regional spelling bee, if the student is qualified, he/she goes to the Scripps National Spelling Bee. This project was a little bit different from the original spelling bee because it was made only by our school, so we had semifinals inside each class (per year) and the finalist from each class on the school spelling bee final (per year).

The rules used on this spelling bee (semifinals and final) were the original ones:

1. In competition, after the pronouncer gives the speller a word, the speller will be encouraged to pronounce the word before spelling it and after spelling it. The judges may not disqualify a speller for failing to pronounce the word either before or after spelling it. But the judges will know that the speller is done if he or she pronounces the word after spelling it and the pronouncer will be assured that the speller has heard the word correctly if he or she pronounces it before beginning to spell it.

2. The speller may ask the pronouncer to say the word again, define it, and/or use it in a sentence. The pronouncer shall grant all such requests until the judges agree that the word has been made reasonably clear to the contestant. Judges may disqualify any speller who ignores a request to start spelling.

3. Having started to spell a word, a speller may stop and start over, retracing the spelling from the beginning, but in retracing there can be NO change of letters or their sequence from those first pronounced. If letters or their sequence is changed in the respelling, the speller will be eliminated. In other words, a speller can’t correct himself, even while it is still his or her turn.

4. The contest shall be conducted in rounds. Each speller remaining in the spelling bee at the start of a round shall spell one word in the round, except when there are two spellers remaining. (At that point, refer to Rule 6.)

5. If a word has one or more homonyms, the pronouncer will indicate which word is to be spelled. If the listed word is not properly identified, either by defining it or using it in a sentence, any correct spelling of any homonym of the word will be accepted.

6. When the number of spellers is reduced to two, the elimination procedure changes. At that point, when one speller misspells a word, the other speller shall be given an opportunity to spell that same word. If the second speller spells that word correctly, plus the next word on the pronouncer’s list, then the second speller shall be declared the champion.
If one of the last two spellers and the other, after correcting the error, misspells the new word submitted to him/her, then the misspelled new word shall be given to the first speller. If the first speller then succeeds in correcting the error and correctly spells the next word on the list, then he or she becomes the champion.
If both spellers misspell the same word, both shall continue in the contest and the one who first misspelled the word shall be given a new word to spell.

7. Protests may be filed by anyone (the speller, parent, teacher, etc.) wishing to reinstate a speller into the contest but will not be heard from any individual seeking to dislodge another speller from the competition. Deadline for filing a protest is before the speller affected would have received his/her word and he/she stayed in the contest. NO PROTEST will be entertained after that word has been given to another speller. Protests should be verbally made to a designated person immediately or upon completion of a round. It is especially important to speak up right away when there are only two or three spellers left.

8. Judges are in complete control of the competition. Their decisions are final. Spelling bees are not unlike sporting events in which referees call the plays as they see them. Players don’t always agree with the decisions or like them, but accept them as part of good sportsmanship.

9. This is the most important rule of all. Please have fun and relax, whether you’re a participant or a spectator.

Students had practiced for the competition for two months before it happened, through different types of spelling games. The students who didn't take part in the final could make posters to use on the final day to cheer for their classmates. All the words for the practice and the competition were taken from their English Books (in this case, Awesome and Mega). 1st, 2nd and 3rd places got gold, silver and bronze, respectively.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Concurso de soletração em inglês agita alunos do 6º ao 9º ano EF

19/06/12 18:00 - 

A final aconteceu no auditório Santa Bakhita

Conhecido como Spelling Bee, o concurso de soletração em inglês agitou os alunos do 6º ao 9º ano do Ensino Fundamental. A competição foi realizada por turma do Ensino Bilíngue, chegando até a semifinal, realizada em sala de aula. A final do torneio aconteceu em grande estilo no auditório Santa Bakhita com direito a torcida organizada e muita concentração dos finalistas.

O Spelling Bee é muito comum nos Estados Unidos, sendo praticado em muitas escolas e em programas de TV. Os liceístas tiveram a oportunidade de assistir a um episódio da série "According to Jim" que tratou justamento do tema. A ideia é que eles se habituassem com as regras e procedimentos do jogo antes de darem início efetivamente à competição.

As regras são simples: os concorrentes devem soletrar palavras corretamente, inclusive com a sua acentuação. No Liceu Santista, as palavras - constantes numa lista previamente montada pela coordenação - eram sorteadas, oferecendo as mesmas chances para todos os participantes.

Ensino Bilíngue

O Ensino Bilíngüe para alunos dos Ensinos Fundamental 2 e Médio tem uma carga horária diferenciada e dentro da grade curricular, ou seja, os estudantes não precisam voltar no período oposto para assistir às aulas, o que demanda melhor organização e otimização do tempo.

Os liceístas do 6º ao 9º ano têm aula de inglês cinco vezes por semana, o que significa que o contato diário com a língua fortalece a aprendizagem, de forma gradual e consciente. Com o objetivo de despertar no aluno o prazer pelo idioma inglês, as aulas são contextualizadas, com gramática inserida em circunstância real para o estudante, seguindo o método communicative approach (abordagem comunicativa). Todas as habilidades - listening (audição), speaking (fala), reading (leitura) e writing (escrita) – são estimuladas.

Fonte: Clique aqui
Galeria de fotos: Clique aqui

Monday, July 23, 2012

Activities Using Resources - OUP

According to OUP, this book has thirty units that show teachers how they can use resources that are typically available. Included are teaching ideas for flashcards, posters, cards, realia, the classroom, the learners, and the teachers themselves in a way that promotes language learning in a motivating and effective way. It's made for teachers, teacher trainees (including CELTA and Trinity Cert TESOL), and teacher trainers. It has ideas for introducing and practising both grammatical and lexical items, suggestions for adaptation and variation and practical ideas for making, storing, and collecting resources. 

Ellen Pilon, a freelance ESL teacher, defines the book very well in her publication at TESL Canada Journal - Mar 22, 2007: "Experienced teachers will find most of these activities familiar or obvious; moreover, teachers of EAP and advanced-level adults will find few useful new ideas. However, new teachers, anxious teachers, teachers trying to avoid the label boring, and teachers lacking refined organizational skills will all find the book indispensable. Thirty usable, creative, easy-to-follow ideas under one cover is a tempting purchase. How often have you half remembered a good idea and then were unable to find it? How often do you decide at the last minute that you need a tried-and-true activity to reinforce language learned the day before? You will find something valuable in this book, which is thin and colorful, a little longer and wider than others of its ilk, and easily locatable in your bag of tricks." I feel the same!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Free Printable Coloring Pages

More than 3,000 coloring pages that you can download and print to use in tests, flashcards, activities... Enjoy!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Free ESL Flashcards

Here you'll find hundreds of flash cards; every set of flashcards comes in color and 3 different sizes. Currently there are 968 total images and 2904 total flashcards. I love this site, it always helps me a lot!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Newsweek Education Program

I heard about it at Cambridge Day 2012 and even mentioned it on my post about Cambridge Day, now I'll explain it for you.

Providing your students with subscriptions to Newsweek helps them make the connection between what's happening in the world and what they are learning in the classroom. The Newsweek Education Program provides weekly copies of Newsweek magazine for all your students (free copy for you), weekly lesson plans and activities with answer key (all drafted by expert  teaching professionals) based around the latest issue plus free engaging and thought provoking teaching resources all for just about R$ 6,00 per student. Students can have their reading skill and efficiency increased by including the program to their course curriculum or as a supplement to their course curriculum. Unfortunatelly for now the program is only available to schools, so if you are a private teacher and was thinking of taking part on the program, forget about it.

For more information, contact Isabela Defendi at .

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Movie Segments for Warm-ups and Follow-ups

Movie Segments for Warm-ups and Follow-ups is another great blog by Claudio Azevedo. It also contains a series of movie segments to be used to brainstorm, warm up, follow up, and activate schemata, preparing the students for the topic that will be discussed in class. You'll find there the movie segments (about 5 minutes of each movie), the lesson plans (complete!!!) and printable worksheets  for each activity. New activities are posted regularly - Hooray! You can search the activities through movie name or topic. Claudio affirms that you may use the activities for a full two-hour class or they can be used separately to brainstorm or wrap up the topic, focusing on conversation, vocabulary and listening comprehension; so feel free to adapt the movie activities for you classes and enjoy! I've already used some activities of this site with my teenagers and it worked perfectly, I'm sure it will work with you too!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Movie Segments to Assess Grammar Goals

Movie Segments to Assess Grammar Goals contains a series of movie segments and activities to assess or practice grammar points through fun and challenging exercises. Its owner, Claudio Azevedo, is an English teacher at Casa Thomas Jefferson, a Branch Coordinator and Teacher Trainer as well. You'll find there the movie segments (about 5 minutes of each movie), the lesson plans (complete!!!) and printable worksheets with answer key for each activity (Microsoft Word format). New activities are posted regularly - Hooray! You can search the activities through movie name or grammar point. Claudio affirms that teaching grammar with movie segments is inspiring and highly motivating, and I agree. I've already used his activities in my classes and all my students loved them! Once the grammar point has a meaning to the students they have fun and study more without realizing it, and this kind of movie activities can do it for them.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Beeclip EDU

Sunday, July 15, 2012

♪ Oh, look what the cat's brought in... ♫

It has just arrived... Graduated!!! =D Now, a "real" translator, lol... =p

Thank you César, John, Stephan, Beatriz, Maria, Eneida, Valeria, Marcia, Michel, Ana, Simone, Carlos, Fabiana, Marisa and Meritxell.

Special thanks to my darlings Ellen, Tati, Gigli, Bru, Jaque, Le and... Ivo!

Master's Degree... Here I go!!!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Cambridge Day 2012 - Review

I was there! And now I'll tell you everything!!!

That's me!!!

They gave us this cuuuute notebook for taking notes

The lounge
The lounge
The program
Teacher Isabela was there too! ( she was the driver! )
It was soooooo crowded...
Coffee break 1

Coffee break 2 (very nice idea!)

Livraria Martins Fontes

Bought at Livraria Martins Fontes (50% off!!!)

Cia dos Livros
( SBS and Disal were there too, but I could't get to them! You can imagine why... )

Hugo Loyola presented Four Corners...
...and Interchange.
A Newsweek representative presented
Newsweek Education Program

Penny Ur - Teaching Vocabulary: some insights from the research
-Vocabulary is essencial for proficiency
-Teaching vocabulary means teaching words, lexical chunks, phrasal expressions and colocations
-How much of a reading text do you need to know? 95% - 98% (less for informal texts)
-People learn unrelated items better
-Reading teaches new words very slowly
-Inferencing is not reliable and does not improve learning
-Translation is a useful strategy in teaching vocabulary
-Review a new item: At least ten times
-1/3 of classroom time should be devoted to teaching vocabulary

Jack Richards - Creativity in the Language Classroom
-Give verbs in the present/past to the students and they write a story using them
-Give the beginning and the end of a story to the students, they write the middle
-Give pictures to the students and they write phrases about them in the present/past 

I got late there, so I missed Eric Baber's talk. Sorry! =x

Talk show: Penny Ur and Jack Scholes
Talk show: Penny Ur and Jack Scholes
Talk show: Hugo Loyola, Jack Richards and Jack Scholes
Talk show: Hugo Loyola, Jack Richards and Jack Scholes
In the end, Penny, Hugo and Jack... as a gift from Cambridge...
...Brazil jerseys!
I want one with my name too!!! =p
In the end lots of raffles! Books, subscriptions, a Cambridge English Young Learners mascot... But I only got what everyone got!

I exchanged my voucher...
...and got a Cambridge bag and the
executive preview of Interchange 1!
My certificate (sent to my e-mail a week after the event)

The handouts and slides are available here.

I can't wait for 2013!!!