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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Sweet Pic

In my classroom, next to my desk, I have a board where I put my memories, experiences, gifts from students... My teaching life is here. And I'm lovin' it!!!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Project - In The Dark

The main idea of this project was linking English with a current topic in everyone's life: Disabled people.

Step 1 - In The Dark: Students read the book by themselves at home and then in class, with the whole group. The teacher raffled names and each student read at least one page of the book aloud, while the class followed in the book. New vocabulary was taught and discussed.

InTheDark.jpg 205

Step 2 - The Miracle Worker: Students watched the movie about Helen Keller's disabilities, childhood and communication with the world.

Step 3 - Research: Students researched in groups about any famous disabled person and presented their findings to the class. The presentation included a poster with text and / or pictures and all the information given had to be spoken by heart.

Step 4 - A day with a visual impaired: One of the students was blindfolded and had to take part in the English class and its activities (including the reaseach presentation) this way. This student had a helper, who guided him throughout the class and the school. 

Step 5 - Composition: Students wrote a composition linking the book, the movie, the research and the day with a "visual impaired" person, sharing their ideas and thoughts.

Step 6 - Test: Students took a reading test about the book In The Dark.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

8º ano EF simula situações vivenciadas por pessoas portadoras de deficiência visual

22/08/12 14:00 -

Apresentação sobre personalidades com deficiências
Um conteúdo especial do Ensino Bilíngue propiciou aos alunos do 8º ano do Ensino Fundamental compartilharem uma experiência que é vivenciada diariamente por centenas de milhares de pessoas no mundo todo: a deficiência visual. A ideia da proposta, intitulada In the dark, é que os liceístas sentissem como é o dia a dia de quem não enxerga, as dificuldades de acesso aos locais, a ajuda dos colegas para vencer essas barreiras. Todo o procedimento foi acompanhado de perto pelas professoras das turmas e pelas coordenadoras Alessandra Vieira Marques e Maria Vitória Komar.

A simulação abordou não apenas o aluno que teve os olhos vendados para percorrer os espaços da escola como também do guia, que o orientava para descer as escadas e escolher a direção correta, por exemplo. Para auxiliar na compreensão do tema, os estudantes também assistiram ao filme "The miracle worker" (1962), baseado na história real de Helen Keller.

A jovem, cega e surda desde a infância devido a um caso grave de febre escarlate, sente-se frustrada por sua incapacidade de se comunicar, o que acaba gerando um comportamento violento e incontrolável. Sua vida começa a mudar com a chegada da professora Annie Sullivan, que consegue manter contato com Helen por meio do toque - única ferramenta que elas têm em comum.


Outras personalidades que também conviveram com deficiências - como o cantor Ray Charles (cego) e o compositor Beethoven (surdo) - foram lembrados pelos estudantes, que apresentaram uma biografia dos artistas escolhidos para os colegas. Tanto a pesquisa como a explanação foram realizadas na língua inglesa, bem como a roda de conversa que se seguiu aos apontamentos.

Fonte: Clique aqui
Galeria de Fotos: Clique aqui

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Richmond Symposium São Paulo 2012 - Review

José Olavo - Components for a more effective vocabulary development

-Grammar x Vocabulary = recipe x ingredients
  • ingredients without recipe: you’ll eat something anyway (communication)
  • recipe without ingredients: you’ll starve
-Components to think about when teaching a word:
  1. Parts of speech
  2. Content clues
  3. Cognates and false cognates
  4. Homophones
  5. Homographs
  6. Abbreviations and acronyms
  7. Idioms
  8. Collocations/ Word combinations
  9. Phrasal verbs/ Phrasal noun
  10. Proverbs
  11. Knowing the roots of words
  12. Affixes
  13. Words with multiple meaning
  14. Verbs, adjectives, nouns preceded or followed by fixed prepositions
  15. Irregular verb forms

    Monica Camargo - Reading mediation - not only an option

    -Books should have the same importance of a TV set at home
    only 14% really read (literature)
    Reading helps discover other places, times, ways of acting and being, rules, ethics, optics

    -Reading is getting to know History, Politics, Philosophy, Law, Sociology etc
    Mediating: helping students to see the possibilities, making them interested in going beyond, that is, coming up with the WH magic: Where, What, When, Who, How, Why.
During the coffee break, which was DELICIOUS, there was a Flamenco presentation.
By the end of the symposium, we had the raffle and I
got a book and a t-shirt about Global Warming.

Sunday, September 16, 2012


This online tool allows one or more users to create an online sketch in real-time; no registration is needed and the image can be embedded in a blog or Web site with the included code. I believe it's an alternative to Power Point and / or Papershow.

Saturday, September 15, 2012


Madness. Not really a game, and yet I had a lot of fun playing with Letters, a Flash Communications Server application. The multiuser Flash application is reminiscent of those old Fisher Price Letters. Basically, there is a white board with lots of English alphabet letters on it that you drag around to form words, sort into colors, or what ever you like. Problem is, there are many others all doing the same thing. Letters flying every which way, letters being taken from your words to form other words nearby. Hilarious fun.

Why not taking your students to the Lab of your school to play this together...?

NOTE: This is an anonymous, multi-user online environment, and therefore your experience, good or bad, heavily depends upon the nature of the other individuals playing at the same time. I offer no guarantee that your experience will be like mine was when I first played this. Proceed at your own risk.

Thursday, September 13, 2012


Sometimes we want to use videos in our classes that talk about a certain grammar point, but it's very hard to find a movie that fits in perfectly on it, isn't it? If you like technology, it won't be hard anymore!

On GoAnimate you can make your own animated characters, direct your own cartoons and watch others' creations. It's easy, fun and free! GoAnimate makes it easy to make animations exactly the way you want.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Oxford Living Grammar Online

Since last August I've been teaching extra help classes for FII and this website has been very useful.

Oxford Living Grammar Online is the Student's Site of the book Oxford Living Grammar. It has four levels, each one with listening and grammar exercises, useful links, download of extra materials and a test. Most of the links are paid, the test is harder and longer than expected, but you can do a lot with the listening and grammar exercises.

I don't know the book, I've never seen it before, but the website is very nice!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Project - Father's Day Song

It was decided the school would have a mass to celebrate Father's Day and its Aniversary. Then, the school asked the English teachers if we could cooperate on the mass teaching the kids a song that would honor Father's Day. From this moment on, the project had 7 steps:

1-Choosing a beautiful but easy song that had to do with Father's Day. The chosen song was Count On Me by Bruno Mars.

2-Cutting one part of the song out, to make it easier for very young students.

3-Deciding the choreography that would go with the song. As the song has numbers and students can identify them easily on a song, we decided to make tags with the numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4 for the younger students; the older students had the tags "I'll be there" and "You'll be there". Students had to put the tags up according to the song.

4-Making the tags: Students had to cut and paste the tags in colorful paper, besides decorating them.

5-Rehearsing the song without the tags, per year.

6-Rehearsing the song with the tags, per year.

7-Rehearsing the song with all the students together, without and with the tags.

You can watch the presentation here.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Missa em ação de graças comemora 110 anos de fundação do Liceu Santista e Dia dos Pais

11/08/12 13:00 - 
Muitas famílias participaram da celebração
No sábado, 11 de agosto, o Liceu Santista festejou seu 110º aniversário de fundação, ocorrido oficialmente no dia 5 de agosto. A data foi comemorada com missa em ação de graças, celebrada pelo bispo diocesanao Dom Jacyr Francisco Braido, no ginásio poliesportivo da escola. Equipe diretiva, professores, funcionários, alunos e familiares participaram deste momento de alegria e satisfação para todos aqueles que contribuíram e continuam a contribuir para o crescimento do Liceu Santista, colocando-o em lugar de destaque entre as instituições educacionais da região.

Na mesma data, os pais também foram homenageados pelos alunos do 1º ao 5º ano do Ensino Fundamental, que cantaram, em inglês, a canção Count on me, de Bruno Mars. As crianças, que ensaiaram a música com as professoras do Ensino Bilíngue, emocionaram as famílias presentes. Conheça a tradução clicando no arquivo disponibilizado no final do texto. 

As alunas Ully Reis Canha Nogueira e Victoria Cunha Andria, ambas do 9º ano do Ensino Fundamental leram um texto em homenagem ao Liceu Santista, bem como a ex-aluna, Nair Lopes Rodrigues, formada pelo Liceu Feminino Santista em 1952 e que compartilhou com o público uma poesia escrita por ocasião dos seus 60 anos de formada.

Formação humana

Mantendo o compromisso firmado por Eunice Caldas, educadora que deu início à história liceísta em 1902, a escola mantém um ensino de qualidade que garante a formação humana e social do aluno, alicerçada nos valores cristãos e em ações pedagógicas que abraçam a razão, a religião e o carinho.

Educação de qualidade é resultado de competência, do trabalho interdisciplinar, de educadores atualizados e motivados, de livros didáticos inovadores, de instalações e equipamentos modernos e estimulantes e, principalmente, de uma formação sólida família / escola, vivenciando amor e compreensão.

Parceiro da Rede Salesiana de Escolas, o Liceu Santista tem esse compromisso: despertar, nas crianças e adolescentes, valores cristãos que os tornem cidadãos conscientes, solidários e envolvidos na busca por uma sociedade mais fraterna.

Fonte: Clique aqui
Galeria de fotos: Clique aqui
Letra da música: Clique aqui

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Sweet Pic

With Paul Selingson at his "The Art of Teaching Starts With You" - Richmond Symposium SP 2010. He's adorable!